Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Dec. 12th

Happy Friday!
No post yesterday. Just really, absolutely nothing to say. We're hanging in there. It feels like a very long time. Todd flies home tomorrow, and I move in with Beth. My return is booked for the 23rd, arriving in CVG late afternoon. It's our last visit to our little wi-fi coffee shop (thump, thump, thump). All of the people we know here in are going to dinner tonight with their new adoptive kids. We will drink a toast to Kim and Mark Botto.
I'm dreaming about Jake's face. I miss him so much. I'm so glad that he's finally over his stomach virus. Jake--please stop giving Oma a hard time about homework, buddy!
Here are pics from the orphanage. Here are some of the other loving kids who need families--Luda and Sabina. We're actually wishing we had tried to get one of about 4 sweet girls here as well as Vadim this visit. These sweet girls NEED families. (Yes, that's Sasha giving them bunny ears and hiding her face.) I'm going to be talking them up to every family I know.
A few people said, "sorry you're sick" on comments, but Todd and I aren't sick, just the two boys were. So far anyway...
I feel guilty that I'm sitting around drinking tea and walking around Kyiv when I should be grading final exams. If any of my students are reading this--Study hard and good luck!!!
Love to everyone. I can't wait to be home. Thank you to everyone who has jumped in to help take over my responsibilities in one way or another!!!!!!!!


Kimbell and Mark said...

Please tell little miss Sasha that I want to see her FACE not just her arms (but I'm happy just seeing those skinny little arms!). I loved Luda when we were there. One night she made me a bracelet out of play-doh and sweetly put it on my arm - right before Anastasia laid her out flat on the floor. That was when Anastasia was still a little protective of us! :) GIve her a hug from Anastasia and Sasha's mama.

The Riekerts said...

OK- the reason I haven't sent comments is because my blog name comes across as "ain't easy"- a blog my husband tried to start...
we can't get rid of it.
Now I believe it doesn't matter and that possibly "ain't easy" is the perfect tribute to ALL of you there. Bless your hearts for making OUR day with your funny entries. Keep drinking the tea and walking, I feel like you might have some work ahead of you teaching your men so many things!! Kristen