Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday Dec. 15th

Hi everybody. I'm hanging in there. Yesterday, we went to a mega-church called Hillsong in the morning. These were the happiest people we've seen yet. Very welcoming people, enthusiastic for Jesus. The service had 40 minutes or so of really loud music that was good, but not even close to as good as CR. There were edgy, artistic videos. Then, there was a sermon about how all things are possible with God, provided you work your butt off first. It somehow segued into a theme about friendship--to get a friend, be a friend. The similiarities with CR were more notable than the differences. I suppose the mega-church experience is a global phenomenon.
Then, we took a taxi to the orphanage. The driver got lost, and we could not be helpful, b/c I have no cognitive map of Kyiv, and a lot of the neighborhoods look the same. Anyway, we had a very pleasant afternoon of hanging with the kiddies. I played balloon volleyball with Vadim, Annya, and Igor. The kids have itneresting ways of entertaining themselves that explains a lot about how this summer went. They constantly pick at each other--flick, pinch, slap, kick, tackle etc. Then giggle, run away and get chased. They always do this right up to the threshold of pain, and then mostly stop. I suppose when you don't have toys, you use your body. I can see how Jake did not understand this game and either got irritated by the picking or else took it too far and end up hurting Vadim. I will have to figure out how to minimize the game, or else help Jake figure out how to play it. Understanding this would've made summer a lot easier.
Sabina hung on Beth, and we just don't know how we are going to be able to take these kids' friends away from them and leave them behind.
Today looks like a day of nothing much, maybe going for a walk. Vadim tried to convince me yesterday that he doesn't have school Mon thru Wed, but I think he might be making that up. The story changed a few times while we were there. He certainly wants to spend days with me, instead of at the orphanage. I need to call the facilitator for clarification.
At the end of the week, the kids will be with us for the final round of paperwork running around. Our flight home is confirmed, and we are counting down.


k woo said...

Flight home...woohoo!! I bet it feels nice to sya that is confirmed.

The Holloways said...

Robin, good insight into the kids behavior (picking, pinching, slapping, etc). That would be great to pass on to future hosting families...nothing wrong with it (as long as no one gets hurt!)., but good information We find the same is true with A and our boys. Our boys just didn't get it at first (and Evan still doesn't). I hope everyone will take note of your comments and remember to tell future host families. Thanks for sharing! Aren't you going to miss those kids????

Laurel said...

What a hunk you have there! Check out those arms!!! :-) You are so right that the kids "rough house" very hard. At our boys orphanage they also did a lot of break dancing type of moves and wrestled with each other. We even saw one boy who would throw himself on the ground in front of the bigger boys and they would kick him in the back. Then they all laughed. The boy would keep going back for more! It looked like pain and abuse to me, but it was just "horsing around" to the kids. Please do not worry - you just need to let Vadim know once he gets home that this type of play is NOT okay. He shouldn't have trouble adjusting to new rules.

Hey, how was Todd's reunion with Jake?

Kimbell and Mark said...

aw I love his tatoos - he's branded with his family! :)