Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wed. Dec 17th

No pics today. I lent the camera to Vadim to keep until tomorrow. I bet he'll have a million of his friends, and maybe out of that, 10 or so really good ones.

Hope all is well in CVG/NKY.

I hate to say it, but I'm so sick of talking about dates, court, paperwork, money, taxis--the LOGISTICS of the process. I don't mind the chatter about the kids themselves, their adjusting and parenting etc, but the talk about the process is just nonstop, like who is putting in which piece of paper when. It's becoming kind of like the background thump, thump, thump in every semi-pornographic video showing on a TV in every store or restaurant. But of course, we're hanging onto every nugget of information about each step, so it makes sense that we analyze every development like this.

Slow day today. We meet with our facilitator later to plan out the running around that needs to be done on Thurs, Friday, and Monday.

Love to everyone! I'll put up Vadim's best shots by tomorrow night.


Julie said...

I know what you mean about the process talk. It is like an accident on the the side of the road. You don't want to look at it, but you do. You don't want to keep thinking and talking about the process, but you do.

Kimbell and Mark said...

Now get him home! We'll see you at CVG - you'll recognize us by the snow gear we'll have for Vadim - seriously she wants to bring it to the airport.

Laurel said...

By now, I hope you've heard that there were no appeals filed and Vadim is YOURS FOREVER!!!! Praying the running around goes as planned with no delays. God Bless.

ksm said...

Missing you. I can only imagine how much you are missing Todd and Jake. I'm thankful you have Vadim and Beth. How beautiful that soon, soon, soon, the FOUR of you in your family will all be together again.